Frequently Asked Real Estate Questions. All questions are answered by a Licensed Real Estate Broker and Instructor. Please note: we are not attorneys and cannot give legal advice.

What is a Property Survey?

So, imagine you're playing a game of tag in your backyard. You need to know where your yard ends and where the neighbors begin, right?

Or you might need to know where you can build a pool without hitting any underground pipes or wires. A home survey is like a map that helps with that!

A surveyor, like a special land detective, uses special tools to find out where the boundaries of your property are, where the house sits on that land, and where things like driveways, fences, and other structures are.

They also can find out where underground things like pipes and wires are.

So, a home survey is like a treasure map of your property, showing all the important things about the land your house sits on!

A new survey is required if the previous survey has new improvements that must be surveyed.


What is a T-47 Affidavit?

A T-47 Affidavit is your way of saying "I promise that I have or have not made improvements to my property, since I've owned it. It's a legal document that must be notarized. This form is useful for sellers who want to share their survey with new buyers (as long as no new improvements have been made to the home).

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